First Chad Now Brad | Find in Raid Flea Market Change (post-wipe) | Our Post-Wipe Strategy | EXFIL Episode 19 (An Escape From Tarkov Podcast)

An Escape From Tarkov Podcast The hosts learned a new term this week.  Brad.   They also had a good laugh about it.  Brad, if you’re wondering, is referring to someone, likely running alongside a geared player (chad) who looks the same, but seems to be a bit… lost.  Everyone can probably relate to being new and being shown around by someone who knows what they’re doing which caused Ronal and MTBtrigger to think back to their days as a Brad… Perhaps they still have some Brad-like tendencies. The two main topics this week are ‘what to do before the wipe happens’ and ‘post-wipe strategy’. It has been noticed that once the wipe has been announced (best guess is 2 to 3 weeks from this episode going live, but that is pure speculation) that many players use this time to gear up and run maps that they want to learn.  Factory, MTB’s favorite, seems to be attracting a lot of super geared players and many of them are now running in larger groups. Ronal talked about using this time to learn loot runs to be ready for having zero gear, but he also talked about learning areas of maps that he was avoiding previously, but has now found it fun to PVP in.  Factory and the dorms area of Customs were the two locations discussed.  Customs, in particular, was spoken about due to the advantage you can gain over other players by learning the different sounds in the dorms as well as using distraction, by means of grenades, to conceal your movement and flanks.  Shortly after this, an unplanned discussion broke out between the two of them about the impact of the proposed flea market change requiring that items have the ‘found in raid’ flag to be posted for sale.  The hosts speculated back and forth about what this could mean for the playerbase and for the economy.  While Ronal and MTB aren’t pure rat or pure chad, respectively, this lead to a very interesting debate about how this will affect each play style, and specifically casual players, and ultimately led to a difference of opinion regarding the flea market change.  What side are you on?  Do you think this is a good change?  Do you think it was done specifically to combat hatchet/pistol runners?  Do you think a different approach should have been taken by Battlestate? For our hosts, this will be the first major change (and wipe) that they experience so the optimism and simultaneous concern regarding the changes led to one of the best conversations around game mechanics to date. Goodluck out there!  Let us know how you feel about the find in raid tag being required for selling items on the flea market! Catch up with MTBTrigger or Ronal on the EXFIL discord: Patreon is now live and active for those that are looking to directly support the podcast - (Thanks to those of you that nudged us to create this)   Podcast Direct Contact a Socials: Twitter - @EXFILpodcast Email - Youtube - XPMedianow   MTBtrigger Contact: Twitter - @mtbtrigger Twitch -   Ronalgaming Contact: Twitter - @ronalgaming Discord - Ronal#8004

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