Veritas Interview - Music, Life, and Tarkov | Battle Buddy App | What will Tarkov become? | EXFIL Episode 18 (An Escape From Tarkov Podcast)

An Escape From Tarkov Podcast - Veritas interview  On this episode, your hosts, MTBtrigger and Ronal, have the chance to sit down and talk with Veritas. Veritas is perhaps best known for his YouTube channel where he breaks down items and systems in Tarkov giving players a way to make informed decisions about what to use. While most players will likely discover his videos if they search anything related to escape from tarkov, he also streams on twitch full time, developed an app - Battle Buddy, produces his own music on Spotify, and did we mention he is a full time software engineer on top of all that? Right off the bat Veritas jumps into his gaming history - from the earliest gaming memories to the most impactful games that led him to content creation.  On the list - Mario, GTA 3, COD4, and counter-strike. It wasn’t until very recently (roughly 2016) that Veritas started creating content, but he attributes the ‘creative’ side to his dad. His dad, also an engineer, had the key characteristic of when something broke he would learn how to fix or build it - one notable memory is of his was his dad building a drum set from scratch. Many other impactful stories are told - finding music videos on a computer his dad was fixing for a friend, learning to make videos as proof for a competitive call of duty ‘league’, and much more in the episode. When the conversation turns to Tarkov, it started with how Battle Buddy (Veritas’ app that helps with things like ammo and gear comparisons) came to be, including what framework it was developed on for both android and iOS.  Veritas talks about his plans for the app which may even include completely rewriting the code. The episode is rounded out by a fascinating discussion on what Tarkov ‘is’,what it could be, and where the hosts (and Veritas) think it will end up. Goodluck out there!  We hope you enjoy the interview!   Veritas Links: Twitch -  YouTube -  Website -  Spotify -  Battle Buddy -    Catch up with MTBTrigger or Ronal on the EXFIL discord: Patreon is now live and active for those that are looking to directly support the podcast - (Thanks to those of you that nudged us to create this)   Podcast Direct Contact a Socials: Twitter - @EXFILpodcast Email - Youtube - XPMedianow   MTBtrigger Contact: Twitter - @mtbtrigger Twitch -   Ronalgaming Contact: Twitter - @ronalgaming Discord - Ronal#8004

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