Battling gear fear and why we think grenades are the best utility item in Tarkov | EXFIL Episode 04 (An Escape From Tarkov Podcast)

Join us for EXFIL a brand new Escape From Tarkov podcast. In this episode  we talk about Gear Fear! How to deal with it, and how to overcome it! We also talk about Grenades and basic gear loadouts for the Early game.  Gear fear seemed a little too broad of a term (even though it is used often) so we decided to dig into the various times you will experience it and then gave our best strategies for getting out of the gear fear paralysis. We talk about how to use grenades to bait enemies, how to use it to scare enemies, and then why we think it is one of the most important non-weapon utility items in the game.  Most of all we think you shouldn’t be scared to throw grenades, and throw them often, even if it means throwing it into the wall in front of you and having to run away screaming. Lots of opinions here - If you don’t agree or have a different strategy we’d love to hear about it! Goodluck on your SCAV runs - we look forward to meeting with you and hunting down some PMCs!   MrGrimmmz zero to hero video -   Catch up with MTB or Ronal on the EXFIL discord:   Podcast Direct Contact: Twitter - @EXFILpodcast Email -   MTBtrigger Contact: Twitter - @mtbtrigger Twitch -   Ronalgaming Contact: Twitter - @ronalgaming

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