Episode 10 - Resident Evil: Code Veronica X
Originally recorded just prior to the release of Resident Evil 6, our panel sits down to discuss Resident Evil Code: Veronica - perhaps one side of the same coin alongside Resident Evil Zero in terms of love and hate. Neptune and George Trevor are big fans of the game but TheBatman not so much. We discuss the switch to full 3D as well as the plot, characters, setting, enemies and all other elements making up the game. Was bringing back Wesker the right move? Were the Ashford's any good, and was D.I.J a top-secret experiment in league with Derek Simmons? All this and more is discussed within. Joining us for this episode is special guest Thomas Wilde; author of the legendary Resident Evil Plot Analysis from gamefaqs and a document every Resident Evil fan worth their salt should be fully aware of. As well as joining us for the Code: Veronica chat, Thomas gives a lengthy interview explaining the origins of the plot analysis, his motivations for writing it and his progress with updates whilst working professionally on other projects. Finally the episode concludes with another well-researched quiz as always!