Gaystuck Part 3: Act 5 Act 2

Join me as I document all the gay moments in Homestuck! Act 5 Act 2 was a lot of fun! Keep an eye out for the next episode next Wednesday!Here is this episode's video.Here are the links for each mentioned incident:1. 26262. 26273./4./5. 26286. 26927./8. 26949. 270810. 271011. 271212. 271913. 272714. 272815. 272916. 273017. 277218. 278919./20. 279021./22./23./24./25. 279226. 282527. 282928. 283329. 286830. 304731. 309132. 309333./34. 323835. 332036./37./38./39. 332140. 335841. 336142. 342043. 343144. 347545. 354046./47. 371248. 371349. 375150. 387851. 398652. 403153. 409154. 4096----My links:WebsiteDiscordPodcast TwitterPersonal TwitterGet on an episode!Podcast: Itunes or GooglePlay or Spotify and more!YoutubeTumblrCuriousCat Support the show (

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