Ep 69: The Queencast Spectacular
Bryan and Niamh rule this podcast now. No Johns allowed. EMAIL: askletsfightaboss@gmail.com TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LetsFightABoss INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/letsfightaboss REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/letsfightaboss Quest Log: Solo: A Star Wars Story Trailer, The Good Place, Homeland, The Shape of Water Strategy Talk: Shadow of the Colossus, RiME, Monster Hunter World, Bayonetta Quicktime Events: Sleeping Dogs film starring Donnie Yen confirmed, Kingdom Hearts III trailer with new song by Utada Hikaru, Vampyr gets June 5th release date, Fear Effect Sedna announced, Devil May Cry trilogy gets HD rerelease again in March Loot Drop: Niamh - The Yorouzoya on YouTube - Sprinkles of Buddhism in Houseki no Kuni https://youtu.be/NVtK3X25B6M Bryan - A Very Fatal Murder Podcast https://megaphone.link/PPY9140073942