Ep 56: President Evil

We’re finally starting to agree on stuff. Let’s see how long that lasts... EMAIL: askletsfightaboss@gmail.com TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LetsFightABoss Quest Log: House of Cards, Baby Driver, Game of Thrones, Rick and Morty, Resident Evil Strategy Talk: Nier: Automata, Overwatch Quicktime Events: No Man’s Sky adds multiplayer, Deathmatch mode coming to Overwatch, Micro transactions planned for Shadow of War, Nick Robinson gets fired from Polygon Loot Drop: Niamh - Sonic Mania - Opening Cinematic https://youtu.be/9OFYafBIKiM Foxcade on YouTube - NieR Automata Analysis a Why You Need To Play It https://youtu.be/5yTQMA29bFs John - Jim Sterling on YouTube - Shexy Shelob (The Jimquisition) https://youtu.be/SWYOuVoDbXk Bryan - Down the Rabbit Hole - Neopets https://youtu.be/jj8kpzGXhMQ Super Eyepatch Wolf on YouTube - The Fall of The Simpsons: How it Happened https://youtu.be/KqFNbCcyFkk

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