Ep 46: The Japanese Dentist
It’s time to fight the bullies! EMAIL: askletsfightaboss@gmail.com TWITTER: twitter.com/LetsFightABoss Quest Log: Gantz, A Silent Voice, Samurai Jack, The Americans, Survivor Strategy Talk: Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Mass Effect Andromeda, Night in the Woods, Layers of Fear Quicktime Events: Token Barcade, Gamercon Fiasco, Destiny 2, Yooka-Laylee drops JonTron, Bioware staff member harassed unfairly for Mass Effect Andromeda animations Loot Drop: Niamh - Comic Book Girl 19 on YouTube - All the feels while reviewing Logan www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4JzxAeHwjs Folding Ideas on YouTube - Fight Club and Toxic Masculinity www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td88z08a_4c John - CrowbCat on YouTube - 5 years + $40M = Mass Effect Andromeda www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KWkao73HuU hbomberguy on YouTube - Pick Up Artistry: A Measured Response www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pEfhgG3Ocw Bryan - Entertain The Elk on YouTube - Saul Bass’ Legacy | TV Title Sequences www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixVzQkpa104