Episode 56 - Beer, Atari, and Gameboy, Oh My! + Battle Of The Systems: Animaniacs (SNES vs. Genesis)
We're back for Episode 56 In this episode Cody and Eric catch up on the news and Battle Of The Systems: Animaniacs (SNES vs. Genesis). We are doing news for the first monthly episode and then "catching up" later in the month. Episode Guide --------------- Quick Questions 2:05 Patreon 12:31 News 22:50 Tea Time With Tim - 1:01:40 Eric's Take - 1:31:21 Battle Of The Systems - Animaniacs - 2:07:36 News - (Cody) Stoneage Gamer Sold its first batch of Jaguar GameDrives and JAG2SNES https://stoneagegamer.com/jag2snes-atari-jaguar-2-snes-audio-video-adapter-hgt.html (Eric) PS1 Soft Mod finally! - https://www.psx-place.com/threads/tonyhax-a-software-backup-loader-exploit-for-the-ps1-leverages-save-game-exploit.33236/ (Cody) Inviyya - A seriously cool Amiga Shoot Em Up by Tigerskunk gets a release http://www.indieretronews.com/2021/04/inviyya-seriously-cool-amiga-shoot-em.html#more Doc Cosmos - EvoluteGames has teamed up with BitmapSoft to bring an amazing title to the Gameboy Colour! http://www.indieretronews.com/2021/04/doc-cosmos-evolutegames-has-teamed-up.html#more (Tim) - SX2 FPGA MSX2 clone from 8Bits4Ever – First batch was opened and then sold out right away. Based on the Altera Cyclone FPGA chip. 32mb SDRAM, 3 Expansion slots, Micro SD and VGA/RGB sockets. https://www.8bits4ever.net/product-page/sx2-msx-fpga (Cody) Also, NeoSD MVS/AVS Pro! https://stoneagegamer.com/neosd-pro-aes.html (Eric) Streets of Rage 4 - Mr. X Nightmare DLC reveal - http://www.indieretronews.com/2021/04/streets-of-rage-4-mr-x-nightmare-dlc.html (Tim) - Lotus Esprit Turbo - “Lotus STE” - Remastered version of Louts Esprit featuring enhancements for the STE, mainly focusing on the Blitter chip enhancements like the road rendering, road side scenery and cars. New Sky gradients to take in to account the enhanced colour palette of the STE. Free to download from Atari Mania: http://www.atarimania.com/game-atari-st-lotus-esprit-turbo-challenge-ste_37660.html (Cody) Loderunner on the PET! (Eric) Trubo Sprint on AGA Amiga - http://www.indieretronews.com/2021/04/turbo-sprint-arcade-aga-quality-port-of.html (Cody) Intellivania http://www.indieretronews.com/2021/03/intellivania-castlevania-on.html (Eric) Monstro Giganto PETSCII Game for c64 - http://www.indieretronews.com/2021/03/monstro-giganto-glorious-petscii-c64.html (Cody) TMNT retro inspired - http://www.indieretronews.com/2021/03/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-shredders.html (Eric) Found from Chris Foulds on Amigos Discord – C64 Bitcoin Miner for c64 released - https://www.hackster.io/news/you-can-now-mine-bitcoin-using-your-vintage-commodore-64-49057d732c47 (David ) https://www.funkey-project.com/ Please give us a review on Apple Podcasts! Thanks for listening! You can always reach us at podcast@pixelgaiden.com. Send us an email if we missed anything in the show notes you need. You can now support us on Patreon. Thank you to Henrik Ladefoged, Roy Fielding, Garry Heather, Matthew Ackerman, Josh Malone, Daniel James, 10MARC, Eric Sandgren, David Motowylak, Team Gray All The Way, Maciej Sosnowski, Paradroyd, RAM OK ROM OK, Mitsoyama, David Vincent, Ant Stiller, CityXen, Hermski, Mr. Toast, and Dustin Newell for making this show possible through their generous donation to the show.