Episode 36 - Have a Coke and a GAME! - 6 Good Corporate Branded Games - News
We're back for Episode 36 In this episode Cody and Eric catch up on the news and discuss "6 Good "Corporate Branded" Games". We are doing news for the first monthly episode and then "catching up" later in the month. Episode Guide --------------- Quick Questions 4:27 Patreon 21:08 Upcoming Console Bonanza 31:40 News 57:30 Talking Tech 1:52:22 Eric's Take OUYA (@GAKAGAMMY) - 2:18:52 Tea Time With Tim - Vic-20 - 2:58:31 Danica's Review - Mario Party DS 3:11:36 6 Good Games 3:15:53 News - (Cody) Dan James – TMNT Pinball from Stern – Magnetic Pizza Spinner, Easy Ruleset, Krang is small- Glider controlled by the larger “Star Trek” button. https://www.ign.com/articles/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-stern-tmnt-pinball-machine-announced-first-video-images-and-details (Eric) Bridge Strike from the Amiga is now on the eshop for less than 2 dollars! (cody) Sonic 3D in 2D - http://www.indieretronews.com/2020/05/sonic-3d-in-2d-pc-fangame-that.html (Cody) 740 games for $5 https://www.polygon.com/2020/6/6/21282580/best-video-game-bundle-ever (Eric) - PCE CD Support Added to MiSTer | RetroRGB - https://www.retrorgb.com/pce-cd-support-added-to-mister.html (Cody) Evercade released June 5th. (Eric) Tiny Galaga - An Arcade classic as a tiny Amiga OCS/ECS Demake - http://www.indieretronews.com/2020/05/tiny-galaga-arcade-classic-as-tiny.html (Cody) Mortal Combat style face masks on Stone Age Gamer. https://stoneagegamer.com/fighting-game-ninja-mask-mortal-kombat-sub-zero-scorpian.html (Eric) 60th Sega Anniversary announcement - https://www.theverge.com/2020/6/2/21278762/sega-game-gear-micro-revealed-price-release-date 4 colors – 4 games each (cody) Sega also announces “Fog Gaming” Concept (Eric) The Forever Extending Hungry Snake - There's another Snake on your C64! - Same guy that made Trace Sector - http://www.indieretronews.com/2020/06/the-forever-extending-hungry-snake.html#more (Tim) Mini PET – from The Future Was 8 Bit now on Pre-Order shipping soon – new PCB and chip kit to make your own PET, optional keyboard. Mini PET will fit inside a standard PET. Pre-built option will be available. This is made by Dave from Tynemouth Software who also made the SD2PET and the Penultimate Cart both products were adopted by TFW8B and refined to how they are now. https://www.thefuturewas8bit.com/mini-pet.html (Cody) 10MARC video series on the Amiga Video Toaster (Cody) NES Days of Thunder Prototype found by video game history foundation put together from multiple floppies coded back together. https://t.co/2xHe4m8KK1?amp=1 (Eric) The Outer Worlds released on Switch. FULL PRICE!! WHAT THE FUDGE!!?? - https://games.privatedivision.com/en/game/buy-outer-worlds-switch?autm_source=GoogleSearcautm_medium=Clicksautm_term=OuterWorldsExactMatchautm_content=USautm_campaign=TheOuterWorldsSwitch (Tim) - BeamRacer – Plug in board for Commodore 64 in to the VIC-II socket, enhancement for Commodore 64 to do some new neat feaures and Functions – This is in development but looks amazing it also includes LumaFix to de-jailbar your C64’s screen. Will also work on NTSC and PAL C64’s, this is not a replacement for the VIC-II, its an enhancement. https://beamracer.net/ (Cody) Maneater (Tim) Soul Force – Sarah Jane Avory .. development work begun on MegaDrive version, however could we get the C64 version first! (Tim) - Sad news that Our Sinclair from Amigos is now on permanent hiatus – Boat has a new job so will not have enough time to continue Our Sinclair – Should we pick up the slack and create a Sinclair show!? (Not just Our Sinclair – All their shows except Amigos and ARG Presents!!! - Eric) (Tim) - New C64 game from new coder - @Heysmaker64 on Twitter and Twitch C64 streamer has released his first C64 game Mario’s Cement Factory and conversion of the 1983 LCD game and watch release from Nintendo, pick it up on itch.io now. Please give us a review on Apple Podcasts! Thanks for listening! You can always reach us at podcast@pixelgaiden.com. Send us an email if we missed anything in the show notes you need. You can now support us on Patreon. Thank you to Tim Drew, Henrik Ladefoged, Jim Tessier, Roy Fielding, Garry Heather, Matthew Ackerman, Josh Malone, Daniel James, 10MARC, Eric Sandgren, David Motowylak, Team Gray All The Way, Maciej Sosnowski, Dan Hevey, and Dustin Newell for making this show possible through their generous donation to the show.