Episode 30 - It's A "Hazy" Shade Of Winter (IPA!) + NEWS + Battle Of The Systems: Mario Kart 64 vs. Crash Team Racing

We're back for Episode 30
 In this episode Cody and Eric catch up on the news and compare two popular kart racers, Mario Kart 64 (N64) vs. Crash Team Racing (PS1) in our Battle Of The Systems. We are doing news for the first monthly episode and then "catching up" later in the month.   Episode Guide - Quick Questions: 4:40 News: 30:01 Battle Of The Systems: 1:27:35    News -    (Cody) Commodore prototype joystick thing found and images captured.  (Cody) ZXSpectrum Gets Hollow Earth Hypothesis  (Eric) Atic Atac for the c64 - http://www.indieretronews.com/2020/02/atic-atac-ultimate-play-game-classic-is.html   (Cody) New Evercade Games Announced – Xenocrisis and Tanglewood Dual Cart  https://www.funstockretro.co.uk/news/evercade-xeno-crisis-tanglewood-cartridge/  (Cody) Zombies ate my Neighbors rebuilt in Doom engine.  (Eric) Nintendo Play Station Super NES CD-ROM Prototype - Sony and Nintendo c. 1992.... Currently at $260,000 - https://comics.ha.com/itm/video-games/nintendo/nintendo-play-station-super-nes-cd-rom-prototype-sony-and-nintendo-c-1992/a/7224-93060.s - Ended up selling for $360,000  (Cody) Tiger Electronics LCD Handhelds – Sonic 3 , Transformers: Gen 2, The Little Mermaid, XMEN – Project X  https://www.theverge.com/2020/2/19/21136607/hasbro-tiger-electronics-lcd-handheld-games-xmen-sonic-transformers  (Cody) TG-16 Mini delayed due to CoronaVirus  https://www.theverge.com/2020/3/6/21167774/turbografx-16-mini-delayed-coronavirus-konami-production  (Eric) - New c64 game – Old Tower - https://retrosouls.itch.io/old-tower-commodore-64  (Cody) SOTN release on IOS and Android for 2.99.   Also, Netflix season3  https://www.theverge.com/2020/3/4/21164298/castlevania-symphony-of-the-night-ios-android-version-released-price  (Cody) Demon Tilt  (Cody) Arcade 1 up new releases for 2020 – Star Wars Pinball $600 10 games along with Zen Studios – future downloadable content.  Also AFM!!  With DMV and recessed Playfield!  Better Buttons – Plastic – Riser – Light up Marquee $400   Frogger with TP and TP84  Pacman 6 versions plus gallga but with woodgrain sides  Star Wars sit down!?!?   Coleco Style mini Arcades (Megaman, Ducktales), Mini Consoles with TV’s?  $30  (Colecovision, 2600, and C64)  Giant Joysticks! $100  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TB4_szZWRw  (Eric) Pre-order and demo available for Arkagis - A new top-down shooter for Sega Genesis/Mega Drive with mode 7 style rotation! - https://www.arkagis.com/ - (Compare to Assault arcade game)  (Cody) Amigos start yet another Podcast about the 1200XL  (Cody) Death of the man who made the famous Konami Code Kazuhisa Hashimoto – the aforementioned developer of the Famicom port of Gradius who created the cod e  – and the Creator of the 6502 Processor. Chuck Peddle  (Cody)Analogue Is Retiring Its Amazing Nt Mini After One Final Production Run    Please give us a review on Apple Podcasts! Thanks for listening! You can always reach us at podcast@pixelgaiden.com. Send us an email if we missed anything in the show notes you need. You can now support us on Patreon.  Thank you to Tim Drew, Henrik Ladefoged, Jim Tessier, Roy Fielding, Garry Heather, Matthew Ackerman, Josh Malone, Daniel James, 10MARC, Eric Sandgren, Graham Axten, RetroGamerNation, David Motowylak, and Dustin Newell for making this show possible through their generous donation to the show.

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