Kander's Candor Episode 10: The Echo of Dark Caverns
It's time for another episode of Kander's Candor! After having a guest on last episode Dreamweaver and Kander knew it was time for more questions to be answered. So listen along as they dive back in with episode 10! Reader questions answered this episode! Vibrid33 - New Question: Is there any chance that we'd be seeing another server merge in the future? I just feel like it would be better for everyone to have less but more populated servers, so groups would be easier to find and there would be less for Darkpaw to maintain. -Every raider ever. Ankou - Here's my question: Kander, this is a 2 part question and a request for some quality of life improvements on 2 different issues that could help raiders going forward. First, flawless buffs. Can we please make this a buff in the knowledge book so that it may be re-cast without having to go back to the guild hall? Example: Person A has to swap specs mid-raid for reason X but now must go back to the guild hall, potentially wasting everyone elses time in order for them to retrieve the buff so they can perform to their max potential. And is it possible for this to PLEASE be an account wide flag once it is achieved on one character? Going back through tons of previous tier content isn't fun to do on multiple characters and it's getting increasingly difficult to get these buffs again on any character that doesn't already have them. Second is, PLEASE make it so that snacks auto-consume. Thanks! Breanna - will the in game browser ever get fixed? Bludd - were the (translated) voices for the akheva recorded for Blood of Luclin since this was the expac we learned their fleshless tongue or was it recorded previously and just not used? Acuba - We don't really like to admit it, but, as everyone's rig gets better tech, we're all getting older. With each higher resolution, the text is getting smaller, and harder on our, sadly, aging eyes. So, I was wondering if there were any plans to look at updating the scaling of the UI for higher res monitors, or at least a way to resize more of the windows and text, much the same way as bags, hotbars, tooltips, and chat bubbles do now?