Episode 1: The Backstory
Frank (@TechniqTV) and Matt (@NightHawkPlayz) introduce Commix! In the first episode they talk about their origin stories, discuss the finale of Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and more! Gaming Community Expo '21 Tickets and Information: https://www.gcxevent.com/ Check out all our latest giveaways here! https://loot.raredrop.co/ Love Coffee? Check out Kings Coast Coffee Co.:https://kingscoast.coffee/ Join the Loot Pool:https://patreon.com/raredrop Be the coolest kid on the block with some Rare Drop Co merch:https://shop.raredrop.co/ Visit us at:https://raredrop.co/ Watch the streams:https://twitch.tv/RareDrophttps://twitch.tv/GCXEventhttps://twitch.tv/Techniqhttps://twitch.tv/NightHawkPlayz Follow them on Twitter:https://twitter.com/RareDropCohttps://twitter.com/GCXEventhttps://twitter.com/TechniqTVhttps://twitter.com/NightHawkPlayz