Episode 43: Let’s explore our new structures
In this episode, DuDs and Jimbo discuss snapshot 20W18A, which introduces some significant changes to Redstone, entity broadcasting and a long list of bug fixes. Plus, this weeks topic comes from biggs.adam02 in our Discord server, they set DuDs and Jimbo the task of coming up with a new naturally generating structure each and they don't disappoint. Also, they pick their favourite current Minecraft structure and discuss what they like and don't like about it. Minecraft 1.16 Snapshot 20W18A: https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-20w18a Discord: https://discord.gg/gqnKyeZ Website: http://rippleeffectsmp.com/podcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/witheringeffect E-mail: podcast@rippleeffectsmp.com Voice Message: https://anchor.fm/thewitheringeffect/message Show Hosts DuDs YouTube: https://youtube.com/DuDs_vs DuDs Twitter: https://twitter.com/DuDs_vs DuDs Twitch: https://twitch.tv/DuDs_vs Jimbo YouTube: https://youtube.com/JimboSlice23Gaming Jimbo Twitter: https://twitter.com/JimboSlice23_ Jimbo Twitch: https://twitch.tv/JimboSlice23_ Digital Producer CarlRyds YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/CarlRydsGaming CarlRyds Twitter: https://twitter.com/CarlRyds CarlRyds Twitch: https://twitch.tv/CarlRydsGaming Music Master DiiKoj YouTube: https://youtube.com/DiiKoj DiiKoj Twitter: https://twitter.com/DiiKoj