Who are the top five, the most overrated, and the most underrated characters here in Season 4 of Street Fighter 5?
Who are the top five best characters in Street Fighter 5 here in Season 4? Catalyst and I offer our opinions as well as share who we think are currently the most over and underrated characters. All that plus a quick news recap here on episode 46 of the EventHubs Podcast Timestamps 00:22 - Raptor's surprise assignment 09:36 - Kitana for MK11, very real, very Tokido 11:25 - NRS and single player fighting game content 13:49 - Samurai Shodown new content, and why PlayStation sux 20:20 - EVO numbers update, Smash Ultimate breaks 1,000 entrant mark 26:37 - Top five characters in SF5 Season 4 1:21:51 - Most overrated character 1:27:56 - Most underrated character