How Mortal Kombat 11 murdered its reveal and why Street Fighter 5 feels like a sinking ship right now
Mortal Kombat 11 comes out guns blazing, Dreamking recounts his experiences at the reveal event and we delve into all the juicy details from presentation to gameplay for this exciting upcoming title. Then Catalyst joins as we discuss Nintendo's new Smash Bros. tournament endeavor, Street Fighter's new tournament endeavor, Dragon Ball's ending tournament endeavor and why SF5 feels like a sinking ship to me right now on the latest episode of the eh podcast Timestamps 02:44 - Steven's immediate thoughts on the MK11 reveal production 04:54 - Top tier visuals 07:48 - NRS games have felt janky in recent years, how does MK11 stack up? 10:14 - Cinematics during gameplay... will they be too repetitive? 14:04 - The most competition-friendly NRS game yet? 22:50 - Cool down meters, a good thing? 24:50 - Amplified inputs, why Steven wasn't a huge fan (pressing back to walk forward) 31:35 - Geras reactions 32:37 - Skarlet reactions 35:02 - Steven's final thoughts 38:38 - Crossplay becoming more of a reality 44:28 - Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. Online Tour 49:33 - Dragon Ball FighterZ World Tour ending, Jiren coming? 51:26 - Street Fighter Pro League... teams, bans and eSports oh my! 1:01:19 - Topanga League tier list for SF5 1:08:25 - Capcom's radio silence on SF5 1:14:07 - Capcom hits home-runs in other divisions - RE2 remake, Monster Hunter 1:16:43 - Why SF5 feels like a sinking ship to me right now, and how to fix it