More Infiltration news surfaces; plus Canada Cup has major issues, Catalyst recalls the time he teamed with SRK and much more
Canada Cup 2018 goes down in flames, so why don't people seem to be lighting torches and grabbing pitchforks? Soul Calibur's lizard penises are getting censored, Catalyst shares a story from the time he and SRK teamed up, and it's finally time to talk about Infiltration's legal allegations. All this and plenty more on this week's edition of the EventHubs Podcast Timestamps 00:43 - Jon hates an old game you've never heard of 04:05 - Swiss army testicles (and more lizard penis news) 11:34 - FChamp talks Marvel 4 17:47 - Guilty Gear player makes top 8 at Canada Cup using steering wheel controller 20:19 - The internet is hilarious (Smash Ultimate Grinch leak memes) 22:41 - Why does EventHubs post the sillier stories? 26:17 - Catalyst recalls the time he worked with SRK 29:20 - Cap Cup finalists Tokido and MenaRD have had very different years in 2018 41:16 - Street Fighter 5 is(n't) random 47:54 - Has input lag reduction affected tournament play? 53:22 - Canada Cup 2018... what happened? 1:05:16 - Infiltration's legal allegations 1:24:02 - Getting to Diamond in Street Fighter 5 - dealing with jump/dash mix ups