Senator Something Joins the Hunt
Fina's grandmother finally arrives in Washington, but she seems more excited about seeing a statue of her hero: Ronald Reagan. Meanwhile, Fina enlists the talents of her detecting partner, a big orange dog named Senator Something.
The Fina Mendoza Mysteries are written and produced by Kitty Felde.
Fina - Amy Solano
Papa - Steven Cuevas
Gabby - Monica Vigil
Abuelita - Christine Avila
Driver - Paul Cummings
Becka - India Scalione
Michael - Ian Kinuthia
Congresswoman Mitchell - Laura Stegman
John the Staffer - Steve Gamber
Senator Something - Steve DeVorkin
Season 2 of The Fina Mendoza Mysteries podcast is based on the book State of the Union by Kitty Felde, published by Chesapeake Press. You can pick up a copy at your local bookstore or ask your public library to add it to their collection. Autographed copies and a free 65 page Teacher's Guide to the series available at It’s a great way to introduce civics to kids.
More info about cast and crew of The Fina Mendoza Mysteries at