289 - Coin Concede “Paladin Pals”
On Episode 289, Patch 20.2 is announced! News covers the contents of the patch including a massive BGs update, new cosmetics as part of achievements, and the introduction of Battle-Ready Decks. Tournaments gives a rundown of the past week of qualifiers and GMs as we head into MT Orgrimmar. Decksplanations covers the two kinds of Paladin that are dominating right now, secret and buff. News - 24:59 Patch 20.2 BG Update Duels update Diamond Rag Battleready decks Book of Heroes Thrall Alleria note Dev Tweets Iksar AMA Tournaments - 1:2121 Orgrimar Grandmasters Qualifiers Ladder Dreamhack Clash Decksplanations - 1:27:00 Paladins The Show Notes for this week’s episode are on our Website You can monetarily support our show on Patreon Join us every week live, by following us on Twitch Join our community chats in our Discord channels and write in to our Email Follow us on Twitter as well as like share and follow us on Facebook Save our RSS feed or subscribe to us on iTunes, Stitcher, or Google Music PlayAnd please leave a review on iTunes or Stitcher