241 - Coin Concede “Eggoing Over the Nerfs”
On episode 241, We hope you enjoy interviews because we have another special guest this week! EggoWaffleHS joins Hat and Botticus to talk about his experience on the TESPA circuit, qualifying for multiple masters tours and playing high legend ladder. News covers the specifics of the most recent buff/nerf patch and the tournament section covers some Grandmasters games. Decksplanations goes into the class winners and losers from the latest balance patch. EggoWaffleHS Interview - 1:20 News - 1:26:35 Balance Patch 17.2.2 patch Golden classic bundle Nemsy available until May 26 Masters Tour Montreal moved to online Tournaments - 1:56:10 Grandmasters Qualifiers Ladder Decksplanations - 2:16:56 New Meta Winners and Losers The Show Notes for this week’s episode are on our Website You can monetarily support our show on Patreon Join us every week live, by following us on Twitch Join our community chats in our Discord channels and write in to our Email Follow us on Twitter as well as like share and follow us on Facebook Save our RSS feed or subscribe to us on iTunes, Stitcher, or Google Music Play And please leave a review on iTunes or Stitcher