220 - Coin Concede “A Rogue By Any Other Name”
On episode 220, It's Valeera's world and we're all happily just living in it. The hosts get together over the holiday week to marinate on the few events in the Hearthstone sphere while Blizzard is on break. There are a few tournaments to discuss, not to mention a ladder meta that continues to shift. Decksplanations is all about Rogue and the many flavors you'll see on the ladder. News Highlights - 22:40 Draconic Lackey Co-op brawl Tournaments - 31:50 HGG Qualifiers Ladder Decksplanations -50:40 Rogue The Show Notes for this week’s episode are on our Website You can monetarily support our show on Patreon Join us every week live, by following us on Twitch Join our community chats in our Discord channels and write in to our Email Follow us on Twitter as well as like share and follow us on Facebook Save our RSS feed or subscribe to us on iTunes, Stitcher, or Google Music Play And please leave a review on iTunes or Stitcher