Arina Tanemura One-Shots (with Loyola Rankin)
Covers: I.O.N., Short-Tempered Melancholic and Other Stories, and Mistress Fortune, all by Arina Tanemura Put on your frilliest dress and lace up as Loyola and Ashley discuss a bunch of one-volume manga from the author of Full Moon O Sagashite. Which of these six short stories was the best? Why exactly did Tanemura think having a lecherous 14-year-old character would be fun? Should you forget your umbrella every time it rains so your crush will be forced to share theirs with you? All that and much more is discussed in this whacky episode. Spoilers: Ashley's favorite characters were definitely Tagosaku and the infamous Truck-kun. Also, Loyola and Ashley would like to apologize to any listeners who speak Japanese; Loyola and Ashley are definitely not good at pronouncing Japanese names and terms. LINKS All of these volumes (and many other Arina Tanemura manga) are available from Viz Media's Shojo Beat line (Short-Tempered Melancholic and Other Stories, I.O.N., and Mistress Fortune) "The Feeling" by Justin Bieber ft. Halsey The infamous Truck-kun strikes again Erased manga Nancy Thistlethwaite is the Senior Editor of Viz Media's Shojo Beat line, and is the basis for one of the characters in Mistress Fortune (as explained on the Wikipedia page). Things tagged "Editor Nancy" on the Shojo Beat Tumblr are written by her! She'll also be on upcoming podcast episodes about We Were There by Yuki Obata!! Outro song: “Like Swimming” by Broke For Free, a really awesome electronic music producer your should support! SOCIAL Follow Shojo a Tell on Twitter @shojoandtell Follow Shojo a Tell on Instagram @shojoandtell Follow Loyola on Twitter @loyolarankin Follow Ashley on Twitter @AshMcD00 Comments, questions, concerns? Want to give us your ranking of these six short stories? Have suggestions for the show? Email shojoandtell [at] or simply leave a comment on the episode page.