126 - 3 Raised Bed Soil Mixes Compared
Have you ever wondered what kind of raised bed soil mix is the best?
I have been growing in raised beds from the very beginning of my garden journey. Up until last year, I used native soil on my property to fill them. But when I needed to find soil outside my property for three new raised beds last season, I decided to conduct an experiment. I tested three different raised bed soil mixes and today I'm sharing the results of my year-long test.
(*links below contain affiliate links, which means if you click through and make a purchase, we will earn a commission at no extra cost to you.)
Mel's Mix: https://amzn.to/2T5QhLx
Perfect Soil Recipe: https://joegardener.com/podcast/raised-bed-gardening-pt-2/
For the blog post: https://journeywithjill.net/126
Special thanks to our sponsor, Good Ideas, Inc. Home of the best-selling rain barrel, Good Ideas also offers self-watering raised beds, compost tumblers, and more pre-built options for the busy gardener. Get 10% off your purchase by entering the code JILL10 at checkout.
PROMO CODE: JILL10 for 10% off
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