Q&A: What are advantages of a 6" deep raised bed?



What are the advantages of a 6” deep raised bed?

You may wonder how your garden could benefit from a raised bed that is only 6” deep when the roots may go deeper. I’m careful about where my shallow beds are and what I grow in them.


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What are the advantages of a 6” deep raised bed?

You may wonder how your garden could benefit from a raised bed that is only 6” deep when the roots may go deeper. I’m careful about where my shallow beds are and what I grow in them.


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What are the advantages of a 6” deep raised bed?

You may wonder how your garden could benefit from a raised bed that is only 6” deep when the roots may go deeper. I’m careful about where my shallow beds are and what I grow in them.


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What are the advantages of a 6” deep raised bed?

You may wonder how your garden could benefit from a raised bed that is only 6” deep when the roots may go deeper. I’m careful about where my shallow beds are and what I grow in them.


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