110 - A Gardener's Guide to Getting Started with Chickens, with Nicole Gennetta
Have you ever wondered why gardeners so often have chickens? My family brought in our first flock of chickens six years ago and added a second a few years later. I love them. They do wonderful things for my garden and the eggs are just a bonus.
If you've ever considered adding a couple of hens (or more) to your garden, it may seem overwhelming to know how to get started.
I had the opportunity of interviewing Nicole from the Backyard Bounty Podcast and Heritage Acres Market about raising chickens. She has been raising chickens her whole life so she had a lot to offer beginners looking to add a small flock. In this episode of the Beginner's Garden Podcast, we explore what it looks like to introduce chickens to your garden endeavor.
Show Notes: journeywithjill.net/110
Nicole's Heritage Acre Markets: http://bit.ly/33n91bP
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