Mechinations 104 - Citan is Complicated (Giant Robo Ep. 3 Discussion)
Coming to you via the world wide web is this discussion of the electromagnetic net! The electromagnetic net operation, to be precise. While pmc expresses doubts about the plan, Stephen Hero praises the last-ditch efforts of the Experts of Justice and Ignis Madax analyzes the structure behind withholding Robo from much of the episode and from the action. Ep. 3 discussion: 41:13 Intro Disc: Stephen Hero (Wasted XIII: Patlabor) pmcTRILOGY (New York Cop [1993]) Ignis Madax (Final Fantasy Origin rumor) Stephen Hero's WXIII: Patlabor 3 article: Thanks to @fretzl for the intro/outro music Thanks to @JJostar23 for the art Tweet us @MechinationsPod or write to us Mechinations is co-hosted by Ignis Madax (@IgnisMadax), Stephen Hero (@_stephen_hero), and pmcTRILOGY (@pmcTRILOGY) --- Support this podcast: