Mechinations 85 - We Have Come To Terms (2020 Year in Review Discussion)
Game master Stephen Hero once again summons his co-hosts to a special year in review discussion episode where we try to arrive at a collectively sourced rankings list. This time, we take all 13 shows/movies watched and sort them according to a 3-Tier format: Tier I with 3 spots, Tier II with 4 spots, and Tier III with 6 spots. After taking turns to initially assign shows to tiers, there are then 2 rounds of swap balls where hosts can switch the location of two shows with each other. Big plays are made, but the crew manages to podcast their way to victory! Additionally, we also reach into the mailbag for some listener questions! Thank you for all the delightful questions, we think questions taste like chocolate or war, depending on the question. Please write to us on Twitter @MechinationsPod or via e-mail Thanks to @fretzl for our outro/intro music. --- Support this podcast: