Mechinations Flashback 2 - Russell (Patlabor 1a2)
Welcome to Mechinations Flashback, a side project dedicated to spotlighting diverse voices within the greater mecha community. We by no means have the definitive “take” on anything we’ve covered and therefore want to reexamine past works by talking with a variety of insightful critics and creators. On our second episode, Stephen Hero interviews Russell, aka “RTL3,” the caretaker of the wonderful Space Kaleidoscope blog. They dive deep into the atmospheric and politically timely films of Mamoru Oshii, focusing on Angel’s Egg (1985), Patlabor: The Movie (1989), and Patlabor 2: The Movie (1993) in particular. Hot takes abound on the recent Demon's Souls remake, the work of Yoshiyuki Tomino, and Evangelion 3.33. Links for Russell: Twitter: Space Kaleidoscope: Angel’s Egg Review: Patlabor 2 Review: Evangelion 3.33 Review: --- Support this podcast: