Pixar Post Podcast 056: Coco News, Cars 3 at the Box Office a Much More

In episode 056 of the Pixar Post Podcast, we discuss Disney's additional stake in BAMtech, Cars 3 box office results, Coco news, and much more. Listen to the Podcast using the player embedded below or direct on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe and enjoy directly on iTunes, Stitcher, or Overcast. SHOW NOTES: Kicking off the show we start with some Pixar trivia — asking, what are the similarities between WALL-E and R2-D2 from Star Wars. Disney Streaming — we dive into the we news of Disney purchasing additional stake in the company, BAMtech. We talk about what this means for the Netflix deal Disney signed a few years ago and how it fits into the overall streaming arena. Cars 3 Box Office — We talk about the somewhat perplexing box office numbers for the film — we look at our website statistics, Rotten Tomatoes ratings, comparisons to Cars and Cars 2, and an article from Variety which talks about the summer box office slump overall.  Cars 3 Blu-ray — We also discuss the home release for the film and look at what we believe may be the DVD a Blu-ray cover art as well as talk about the release date possibilities. Coco Press Teaser — Although Julie doesn't share any details, we discuss her time visiting Pixar for the recent press event to cover the film. Coco international trailer and TV Spot — We talk through the wonderful Spanish trailer for the film as well as the 30-second TV advertisement. Between the two, there are some great new moments of footage and we discuss them both. Coco release dates a books — We talk about why we love the fact that the film is being released in Mexico before the U.S., and which of the upcoming books (as highlighted in our post), we're excited for the most (hint, it's the "Art of" and "Family Tree" books). SIGGRAPH — we also note that a forum user who was at SIGGRAPH is really eager to chat about his excitement towards Smash and Grab (a film tied to Pixar's experimental short program). If you were there, let us know in the forum. Be sure to let us know your thoughts on the podcast by leaving a comment on iTunes, writing a comment below or sending us an email — we'd love to hear from you. Pixar Post - T.J. a Julie

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