Pixar Post Podcast 048: How 'Piper' Was Crafted To Perfection - Our Interview with Director, Alan Barillaro a 'Finding Dory' Review
As part of our latest Pixar Post Podcast episode (#48) we were lucky enough to sit down with Piper Director, Alan Barillaro and chat about his passion in crafting the film into the stunning work of art it is today. We discussed the nuances of animating feathers by hand, using eyebrow rigs for waves, re-recording part of the score under water and having a little fear (in a good way) when working on a project. As nuanced as many of those things may sound, they all came together to form the adorable six-minute short film. left to right around the table - Alan Barillaro, Erik Smitt, Ferdi Scheepers, Jason Deamer, Rich Horine a Sarah Reimers We're not the only ones that seem to have fallen for Piper either — when speaking with fans or other critics, we've only heard people utter "10-out-of-10" when asked what their rating would be. The number one comment is the film's adorable lead character, Piper, followed quickly be the gorgeous visuals. Listen to our interview (posted below) as we chat with Alan and unpack many of the technical details and story elements which led to its final form. We begin our interview with Alan at 24:44 into the episode, but please enjoy the entire podcast as we review Finding Dory (the film and soundtrack), put Julie on the spot with some Dory and Nemo quizzes and much more. EXCLUSIVE BEHIND THE SCENES PHOTOS Along with the interview, we're thrilled to share an exclusive set of behind-the-scenes images from the scoring session as well as lead team member's discussing the project. Even more behind-the-scenes photos from Piper can be found in the Pixar Post 'Piper' Gallery. Left to right - Alan Barillaro, Brett Levin, Erik Smitt a Jason Deamer Piper scoring session Composer Adrian Belew (right), Score Engineer, Greg Hayes (left) Piper scoring session - conducted by Brian Byrne Related Posts: - Dive Deeper Into Pixar's 'Piper' - Details About the Story a Score - Pixar Post Podcast 047: 'Coco' animation begins, 'Finding Dory' and 'Piper' news a much more - All About 'Coco' - From 2012 To Now Pixar Post - T.J. a Julie