Ep. 74: What Makes a Side Character and What Makes a Side Kick?
Ya'll this ep was all over the place in the best possible way. I brought y'all some more context to God of High School from my forays into the WEBTOON. I explained a lot of stuff the show left out in the beginning of the story that make it a much more cohesive entry. We talk big Orchard and why you should care. We talk conspiracy theories and spooks. Oh yeah and I guess we talked about what makes a character a sidekick and what makes a character a full a$$ side character. - Prof EthanovichLink to the creepypasta Russian Sleep Experiment I mentioned. **WARNING** It's LEGIT TERRIFYING!Please make sure to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, reviews really help all your favorite shows grow!SocialsWe released our All-New PATREON!! Check it out!https://www.patreon.com/weebology Follow us on instagram for mid week updates and awesome Anime Memes!https://www.instagram.com/weebology.podcast/Hit up the Twitter!https://twitter.com/WeebologyPCheck out our Youtube Channel for additional anime content or video podcasts episodes!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVJBllbgYsuTrrG5IssngOgContact us with any questions, comments, or requests for anime to hear us wax philosophic about! weebologypodcast@gmail.comIntro / Outro Song Our theme song is:Dreams By Dj Quads https://youtu.be/iiRCmcP_jlcArtist SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/aka-dj-quadsMusic Promoted by https://goo.gl/5NfMV4Please check out his music and support this awesome artist!