S2 | Ep. 19: Wm. Paul Young

"Just because you work through your stuff and you own it doesn't mean the evidence of it disappears." - William Paul Young

William Paul Young's childhood broke him. As a husband and father, he hit rock bottom and began a journey to reconstruct the life he was meant to lead.

Young shared this process in his book The Shack, written as a gift for his children to better understand his experience. He printed copies at his local printer to give them in 2005. To date, 22 million have sold... and The Shack Movie is premiering in theaters around the world today!

Paul shares how to move past trauma, embrace consequence and stay within the grace of one day. This is one of the most epic interviews I’ve been a part of. Don’t miss it.


Key Takeaways:

  • "Good creative works open up space for people to hear for themselves, what matters to them."
  • How could this "little book" so deeply with so many around the world? Paul attributes it to "timing - where we are in human history. The Shack has given people a language to have a conversation about God that is much more authentic."  For me, I believe this books allows people permission to cry, grieve, be angry and realize it is okay. It's a part of life and we are not alone.

  • "When you have fear you either control or you trust. Choose trust."

  • Paul feels there is one major mistake in the book. He did not include the idea that "just because you work through your stuff and you own it and deal with it doesn't mean the evidence of it disappears."
  • "Guilt is 'I've done something wrong.' Shame is 'am something wrong - something at the core of my being is wrong.' Shame can leave us feeling like we've got no where to go."
  • "Choices matter. Consequences are not punishment, but rather they exist  because learning to live with the consequences and own what we've done, that becomes the fire that burns away all the 'crap.'"
  • "Religious people believe in hell but spiritual people have been there."
  • "When you hit the bottom, you stop pointing fingers. You deal with it and own what you did."
  • "Stay living inside the grace of one day. It has the greatest place of healing for me inside the entire journey."



1. What is the best book you’ve ever read? Greek New Testament. The Little Prince. Unspoken Sermons.

2. Tomorrow you discover your wealthy uncle shockingly dies at the age of 103; leaving you millions. What would you do? I would ask the Holy Spirit and stay living inside the grace of one day; it has been one of the greatest places of healing for me inside this entire journey. 

3. Your house is on fire, all living things and people are out. You have the opportunity to run in and grab one item. What would it be? First edition George McDonnell Unspoken Sermons book.

4. You are sitting on a bench overlooking a gorgeous beach. You have the opportunity to have a long conversation with anyone living or dead. Who would it be? The Holy Spirit or Jesus. The first question I would ask, "Am I right in hoping that one day every single human being without the violation of their will be fully restored to relationship with you?"

5. What is the best advice you’ve ever received? Learn to laugh at yourself. Don't take yourself so seriously. Live inside the grace of the day.

6. Looking back, what advice would you give yourself at age 20? Go see a therapist. You're dragging a big corpse of history, come out of the shadows. The sooner the better.

7. It’s been said that all great people can have their lives summed up in one sentence. How do you want yours to read? You finally became a child.


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