Monkey Shenanigans Podcast: Episode 10 -- More DragonBall, Yugioh a Old AMVS
Welcome back to Monkey Shenanigans Podcasts! Feeling like to nerd out a bit? Well, we're here discussing some good ol' anime topics and just chilling and having fun! Come listen to our SHENANIGANS! Joining me today: Black M4j1c Goku MC: @Ssj4xXx0n FlyingMonkey: @flyingmonkey10 While you wait until next Monday! Peep one of these vids! ➡️ MSP Episode 9! ➡️ The Hidden Power of Hentai ➡️ Daily Life Of A Weeb _________________________________________________________________ ➡️ Follow me on twitter: @Mr_StealYoWaifu ➡️ Check my Soundcloud: ➡️ Pop my IG: @m.s.y.w