Monkey Shenanigans Podcast: Episode 8 -- WaifuStealer To The World
Welcome back to Monkey Shenanigans Podcasts! Get to know the main man himself, Mista Steal Yo Waifu AKA WaifuStealer! This episode is more of a look into the mind of who this man in, what he wishes to accomplish in life, and what he's here for! So, sit back, open your mind, and get ready to enjoy some Shenanigans! While you wait until next Monday! Peep one of these vids! ➡️ MSP Episode 2! ➡️ MSYW - Waifus Over Valentines (Lyrics Video) ➡️ I'm Living My Best Life _________________________________________________________________ ➡️ Follow me on twitter: @Mr_StealYoWaifu ➡️ Come Join my livestreams! ➡️ Check my Soundcloud: ➡️ Pop my IG: @m.s.y.w