Monkey Shenanigans Podcast: Episode 1 -- DKC, Amazon Is Skynet, and Introductions
Welcome to the very first episode of MSP! This has been an idea in the making for the past couple months and serves as a purpose of digesting pop culture, anime, memeculture, movies, music, life and more! Every Monday from this day onwards will have MSP coming out! So you can get your fill of our Monkey Shenanigans EVERY MONDAY! :D I'm your host Mista Steal Yo Waifu AKA WaifuStealer, and am joined with my good friend FlyingMonkey on the very first episode as we discuss a magnitude of things from DKC, to Amazon, to Fears and Life Lessons! Joining me today: @FlyingMonkey10 _________________________________________________________________ ➡️ Follow me on twitter: @Mr_StealYoWaifu ➡️ Check my Soundcloud: ➡️ Pop my IG: @m.s.y.w