31 What You Can Learn From the Retiree Next Door

Wouldn't it be great to learn about retirement from those that have retired successfully? Here's your chance.  Today at FinCon, the national conference for money media, moneytips.com is releasing the book, The Retiree Next Door. The best part is you can get it for free.

Over the last year, the folks at moneytips.com conducted a survey of over 500 successful retirees. Their objective: to identify clear traits and strategies they used to do so. 

Recently, I spoke with Moneytips.com's Michael Dubrow about the project and some of the lessons learn for those working towards retirement. Take a listen and learn: 

  • Where you can get your free book
  • How to use the research to plan well for your retirement
  • How the research was conducted
  • What the biggest surprises were
  • How you have more control over your retirement then you may think
  • The wisdom learned from those surveyed 

These projects are great because they help us learn from those that have walked before us. No theory here, just practical incites into the Retiree Next Door.


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