Priority One Podcast Episode 93 Electric Shenanigans
Hello Captains! Welcome to Episode 93 of Priority One recorded on Thursday, August 23rd, 2012 and hosted on! In this episode’s BoTW we wanna help FUNDRAISE!!! There are two projects on our radar that we are just in love with. The first is an effort to preserve Nikola Tesla's original laboratories from demolition and the second is an effort to restore the bridge set of Star Trek The Next Generation. Head on over, donate if you can, and check em out! We’ll find out what happened This Week in Trek and in STO News, we cover two weeks worth of Star Trek Online aweseomness! Also, we welcome Gates of Stovokor host and community pillar, Soriedem to the Priority One team! Soriedem will be contributing a weekly column to our new blog. You can check it out here! Also we are beginning to add video content to our site! Our first venture into video wonderland is the product of our collaborative efforts with Cerberusfilms! Priority One had the opportunity to author the August Guest Blog for, reposted on our own site and on In it we cover the (FAS) Fleet Advancement System that launched with Season 6! Go take a look and let us know what you think! Our Video walkthroughs with the authors of foundry missions, Developer guided tours of in game features and systems and so much more will begin to surface there in the coming days, so subscribe to our channel, and as always let us know what you think! We’re currently working on updating the site to make a little more user-friendly... So if you see funny things happening during your visit... like temporal distortions and the like... don’t be alarmed --- You will be returned to your usual time-space realm shortly! Keep an eye out for our next Episode of Trek It Out featuring an interview with TOS Production legend, Doug Grindstaff. Also, we are expanding! That’s right, we are adding more and more features to the site, like the aforementioned guest blog! And we need some help! So if you have ever wanted to be a part of a podcast team, send us your info! We are looking for an Assistant Audio Engineer. This person would be responsible for work under the direction of our Chief Engineer, Adrianne, on Priority One, Trek It Out and other as yet unannounced projects! Send your contact information and experience to We are also putting the call out to Game, scifi/fantasy and entertainment bloggers. We are in need of weekly, possibly daily contributors and a Managing Editor, who would be responsible for managing and publishing the blog submissions on our site as well as some of the written content for our shows. All of these positions are volunteer at the moment, none of us here at Priority One take home one single dime from our work. But the benefits are endless. We offer a well known outlet for your work and the opportunity to gain much needed experience or hone your already established experience, make contacts and most importantly have fun! If interested, please forward you contact information and experience along with a few writing samples to And last but not least we would like to welcome our new sponsor resort and real estate company, check them out at Enjoy the show!