Priority One Episode 92 Live From Las Vegas!
20 August 2012 | Hello Captains and Welcome to this very special episode of Priority One! This year we had the honor to record live on the convention floor of Star Trek Creation Convention Las Vegas 2012! We teamed up with Trek Radio to support our game, our show and our community and as you can probably tell from all the love going around these days, it was a great weekend. Check out Soriedem's article on our site to hear his first hand account! and tune in later this week for more on our Las Vegas experience. You can also head over to our Facebook page and check out the hundreds of outstanding photos, lovingly arranged by Alex for you all to see! We would like to thank Lisa, Jeff and everyone over at and Terrilynn Shull for pulling it all together and Asmick from StokedRadio and DeyVid from Trek Radio for running the board and making it possible for us to broadcast from the Con. Take a listen and tune in later this week for more! LLAP