Priority One Episode 90 TNG Magic and Tholian Love
23 July 2012 | Hello Captains! Welcome to Episode 90 of Priority One recorded on Thursday, July 19th, 2012 and hosted on! In this episode’s Blank of The Week we spotlight a very interesting pro-Lifetime Subscription letter from a listener of our show! We’ll find out what happened This Week in Trek and what Captains can expect on the Star Trek Online Calender. We have a super-duper shipment of STO News this week! We cover Season 6 Dev Blog 12, Fleet Starbase Special Projects, the awesome Season 6 Trailer, Dev Blog 13 a 14, the new Tholian lockboxes - their ships and other prizes, Dev Blog 15 - The Next Generation 25th Anniversary! - AND we get to finally announce the details about our big Priority One event - “Hangin’ with the Devs” happening this August at the Las Vegas Star Trek Convention! - . And coming soon Star Trek Online Content Dev, Jesse Heinig, will be joining us for a video playthrough supplemental covering the new Season 6 Fleet Progression System, so stay tuned! And Last but not least, we’ll review incoming transmissions from you -- Our listeners. Enjoy!