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Click on the following link now to enroll: https://imjo.in/dFUCvp नमस्कार, *Goals Mastery व्हाट्सअप्प कोर्स मे आप सिखोगे:* ◆आपके जीवन केलीये गोल्स सेट करनेका सही तरीका ◆ आपके बडे सपनोको छोटे, achievable और आसान Goals मे कैसे बदले ◆ step by step method आपके Goals को पाने केलीये action plan कैसे बनाये (ज्यादातर लोग उनके goals को पाने केलीये action plan नही बना पाते और वो fail होते है) ◆ आपके बडे Goals को छोटे छोटे daily habits मे कैसे बदले (बोहोत सारे लोग ये नही कर पाते) ◆ पुरे साल Goals पर काम करते रेहने केलीये खुदको motivate कैसे करे ◆ 6 secret powerful principles जो आपको आपका हर Goals पाने मे मदत करेंगे ◆ गलतीया जो ज्यादातर लोग goals सेट करते वक्त करते है और उनको कैसे avoid करे In Goals Mastery whatsApp course you'll discover ✅ You'll discover Exact proven method to set goals for amazing new year 2020 ✅ How to convert you big dreams into achievable small a easy goals ✅ How to create practical action plan to achieve your goals for 2020 ✅ How to convert your big goals into small daily habits (Most people fail to do this) ✅ how to motivate yourself to work on your goals ✅ 6 proven principles that will help you achieve your any big goals fast ✅ how to handle deadly mistakes most people make with goal setting. And much, much more! Course outline: Module 01: How to set goals correctly in every area of your life (step by step formula for goal setting) Module 02: How to create step by step action plan to achieve your goals Module 03: 6 powerful a secret principles to achieve every big goals of your life. Course starting date: 1 Jan 2020 Course fees: Regular fees: 999 ❌ Discounted fees: 399 ₹ only ✅ Click on the following link now to enroll: https://imjo.in/dFUCvp How to enroll for course: Step 1: Submit your name, email and phone number (click on next) Step 2: select payment method (online payment apps/credit card/online banking) Step 3: Complete payment and congratulations you have enrolled in Goals Mastery whatsApp course Special features of the course: ✅ You'll get 24/7 and life time access to the course ✅ You can access it from anywhere in the world and any time you want ✅ Get course related questions answered on our official whatsApp number No other online course providers give whatapp support (ask them) ✅ Private Facebook group Get connected with like minded and inspired people a share your success journey with other participants of my course Frequently asked questions: Q. Who can attain this course? A. Any one who want to set clear goals in their life a also achieve their goals can enroll in this course. working professionals, CEOs, owners, founders, lawyers, house- wives, students, architects, CA, entrepreneurs etc. Q. How this course can help me? A. In this course you'll learn everything about Goals setting and goals achieving So this course will help you achieve your goals Q. What will I get in Goals Mastery whatsApp Course? A. You will get 20+ pre-recorded videos/audios, workbooks, life time access of the course a 2 months of email a whatsapp support for your any question regarding the course. Q. How can I access the course? A. You can access the course using your mobile, laptop/desktop or tablet. All you need is mobile, whatapp account and Internet connection Q. How to pay the fees for the course? A. 1. Click on the following link https://imjo.in/dFUCvp 2. If you want to transfer the amount in bank or paytm then whatsApp on 7666318788 a get all the details. Q. How long the course will run? A. One month (Jan 2020)