22. The Best of 2020 (Pt 2)
Welcome back to the latest episode of BETWEEN THE NOTES...Your hosts, Tony Black a Sean Wilson, continue to break down their Best Film Scores from the year that just was, 2020, in the second of a two-part episode, covering their entries from 5-1.They discuss films a TV including WONDER WOMAN 1984, THE QUEEN'S GAMBIT, THE WITCHES a THE PERSONAL HISTORY OF DAVID COPPERFIELD, and composers including Hans Zimmer, Ludwig Goransson, Daniel Pemberton and Alexandre Desplat...Host / EditorTony BlackCo-HostSean WilsonSupport the We Made This podcast network on Patreon:Patreon.com/wemadethisTwitter: @btw_notesWe Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispod / www.wemadethispod.comTitle music 'Milky Way' (c) Peter Sandberg/Epidemic Sound