Ep 30 - Christian Lesperance of Jersey Interchange - Power Chord Hour Podcast
This week I got to get schooled on the late 90's/early 00's New Jersey Pop-punk scene from Christian Lesperance of the new project Jersey Interchange. It was great to discover some new things about a very special scene that gave us ungodly amounts of good music. Rate and review the show and send us a screenshot for a FREE Power Chord Hour shirt! Check out the Power Chord Hour radio show every Friday night at 10 est on 107.9 WRFA in Jamestown, NY, stream the station online at wrfalp.com/streaming/ or listen on the WRFA mobile app email me for FREE Power Chord Hour stickers and guitar picks - powerchordhour@gmail.com Facebook - www.facebook.com/powerchordhour Instagram - www.instagram.com/powerchordhour/ Twitter - www.twitter.com/powerchordhour/ Youtube - www.youtube.com/channel/UC6jTfzjB3-mzmWM-51c8Lgg Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/user/kzavhk5ghelpnthfby9o41gnr?si=4WvOdgAmSsKoswf_HTh_Mg Follow Jersey Interchange - https://soundcloud.com/njpparchives/sets/jersey-interchange https://www.facebook.com/JerseyInterchange/ https://www.instagram.com/jerseyinterchange/