Ep 20 - Top 5 Drive Thru Records Releases PART 2 - Power Chord Hour Podcast
Part two (Picks 2 a 1) of me and Zach discussing on our top 5 Drive Thru Records releases! Check out the Power Chord Hour radio show every Friday night at 10 est on 107.9 WRFA in Jamestown, NY, stream the station online at wrfalp.com/streaming/ or listen on the WRFA mobile app email me for FREE Power Chord Hour pins - powerchordhour@gmail.com Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/powerchordhour Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/powerchordhour/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/powerchordhour/ Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6jTfzjB3-mzmWM-51c8Lgg Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/user/kzavhk5ghelpnthfby9o41gnr?si=4WvOdgAmSsKoswf_HTh_Mg