Ep 15 - Greg Eklund (Everclear, The Oohlas) Talks 25 Years of Sparkle and Fade - Power Chord Hour Podcast

On this episode I had the honor of talking to former Everclear drummer Greg Eklund all about the bands sophomore record Sparkle and Fade to celebrate its 25th anniversary! On top of being in Everclear, Greg is also singer and guitarist in The Oohlas, drummer for Storm Large and write solo music as well. Check out this great in depth conversation!   Check out the Power Chord Hour radio show every Friday night at 10 est on 107.9 WRFA in Jamestown, NY, stream the station online at wrfalp.com/streaming/ or listen on the WRFA mobile app     Stay connected with the show!     email me for FREE Power Chord Hour pins - powerchordhour@gmail.com Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/powerchordhour Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/powerchordhour/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/powerchordhour/ Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6jTfzjB3-mzmWM-51c8Lgg Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/user/kzavhk5ghelpnthfby9o41gnr?si=4WvOdgAmSsKoswf_HTh_Mg Follow Greg/The Oohlas hesjustthedrummer.com https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw8ePH-cH9tZ4LileRJLuzA?view_as=subscriber https://instagram.com/hesjustthedrummer9 https://www.instagram.com/theoohlas/ http://www.twitter.com/@gregeklund https://twitter.com/theoohlas           Thanks to Podcorn for sponsoring this episode. Explore sponsorship opportunities and start monetizing your podcast by signing up here: https://podcorn.com/podcasters/   Thanks to our sponsor Fruit of the Bean Coffee and check em out here https://fruitofthebean.com

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