Face to Face by The Kinks
Hello Friends! Today we're taking another Kinky trip back into the world of Ray and his glorious band, with what is often seen as The Kinks' first truly great LP, 'Face to Face', from 1966. Featuring a greater emphasis on Ray's Personal life, and a growth of his social commentary, this is arguably their quintessential album, and luckily for us, it was their first to get both a Mono a Stereo Mix since their first album in 1964... though not as one might expect. So come all, whether you're a Little Miss Queen of Darkness, or you live in a House in The Country, and take a ride through probably the narrowest Stereo album of 1966. Happy Listening, Frederick Support the podcast on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/backtomono Email the show at: backtomonoradio@gmail.com Listen to companion podcast Back to Mono: https://www.mixcloud.com/backtomonoradio/playlists/back-to-mono-complete/ Find me on Instagram @hypnoticfred Join the Facebook Community here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/backtomono