Wild Honey by The Beach Boys
Hello Friends! Today we're breaking tradition on Mixology by looking at an album that didn't get a complete stereo mix until 2017, and that is 1967's Wild Honey by The Beach Boys. One of the first Back-to-Basics LPs of the post-Psych era, Wild Honey has a deceptively simple sound, which the 2017 Stereo Remix on Sunshine Tomorrow blows wide open for exploration. However, even better than that, is the ripe opportunity presented for mix differences to arise, given the 50 year gap between mixes, and the multiple revisions of a select few tracks since 2001. So, Let the Wind Blow these sweets sounds on the Country Air, from Brian's home to yours, and hopefully we can learn A Thing or Two together! Happy Listening, Frederick Support the podcast on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/backtomono Email the show at: backtomonoradio@gmail.com Listen to companion podcast Back to Mono: https://www.mixcloud.com/backtomonoradio/playlists/back-to-mono-complete/ Find me on Instagram @hypnoticfred Join the Facebook Community here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/backtomono Find the Sail On Podcast here: sailon.podbean.com