Discussmetal.com Recap 2017 Rock N Pod Expo with Joshua Toomey from Talk Toomey Podcast - Discography Discussion
Discussmetal.com recaps the 2017 Rock N Pod Expo from Nashville, TN. Joshua Toomey joins us to look back on the weekend, and celebrate this awesome expo. It was a great first year, and hopefully it is not the last. There were podcasters podcasting, vendors vending, and a screening of "Heavy Metal Parking Lot." Sidenote, they found DC-101 guy. Thank you everyone, we will see you in the future. Tune in for a new episode of Discography Discussion in a few days. #rocknpod #discussmetal Things we found at the expo: Dustin Wikoff of Drunken Lullabies Podcast - http://drunkenlullabiespodcast.libsyn.com Joshua Toomey of Talk Toomey Podcast - http://www.talktoomeypod.com/ Decibel Geek Podcast - http://www.decibelgeek.com Twisted Maidens Desgins - https://www.facebook.com/twistedmaidendesigns Join our Patreon: Discography Discussion on Patreon - https://goo.gl/S7fVCc Discography Discussion Podcast Homepage - https://goo.gl/hXMI33 Subscribe to RSS - http://feeds.feedburner.com/danandjoeshow Listen to Discography Discussion on iTunes - https://goo.gl/AzQ7vY Discography Discussion on Google Play - https://goo.gl/d6czHI Listen on Stitcher - https://goo.gl/j2eViH Watch/Listen on Youtube - https://goo.gl/rmJ8ks Listen on TuneIn - https://goo.gl/lBs1wN Social Links Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Discographydiscussion Twitter - https://twitter.com/discussmetal Tumblr - https://danandjoeshow.tumblr.com Youtube Live Stream - https://goo.gl/h7PuL2 Google+ - https://goo.gl/WnyGvw Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Email: danandjoeshow@gmail.com www.discussmetal.com