Episode 026: Invent Animate - Discography Discussion
Geoff is not Tom Waits, and this is Discography Discussion. Dan has returned from not that far away to talk about Invent Animate @inventanimate, set the record straight about System Of A Down, and catch up on some feedback from Facebook, iTunes, and Youtube. Will you take the flying car on this episode? Or will you succumb to the deathcore that is Invent Animate? No High Brew Coffee was consumed in the making of this podcast. It was, however, consumed during the editing. Thank you for listening, and enjoy. #discussmetal #TomWaits #GravyTrain Join our Patreon: Discography Discussion on Patreon - https://goo.gl/S7fVCc Discography Discussion Podcast Homepage - https://goo.gl/hXMI33 Subscribe to RSS - http://feeds.feedburner.com/danandjoeshow Listen to Discography Discussion on iTunes - https://goo.gl/AzQ7vY Discography Discussion on Google Play - https://goo.gl/d6czHI Listen on Stitcher - https://goo.gl/j2eViH Watch/Listen on Youtube - https://goo.gl/rmJ8ks Listen on TuneIn - https://goo.gl/lBs1wN Social Links Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Discographydiscussion Twitter - https://twitter.com/discussmetal Tumblr - https://danandjoeshow.tumblr.com Youtube Live Stream - https://goo.gl/h7PuL2 Google+ - https://goo.gl/WnyGvw Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Email: danandjoeshow@gmail.com www.discussmetal.com