Episode 013: The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza - Discography Discussion
You will find out who, indeed, is the boss after listening to The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza. It's metal, it's chaotic, it's a complete onslaught of heavy. We don't mean to impose, but I am Sammy english. #discussmetal If you enjoy this podcast, please become a patron. We greatly appreciate it. Discography Discussion on Patreon - https://goo.gl/S7fVCc Discography Discussion Podcast Homepage - podcast.discussmetal.com Subscribe to RSS - http://feeds.feedburner.com/danandjoeshow Listen to Discography Discussion on iTunes - https://goo.gl/AzQ7vY Discography Discussion on Google Play - https://goo.gl/d6czHI Listen on Stitcher - https://goo.gl/j2eViH Watch/Listen on Youtube - https://goo.gl/rmJ8ks Listen on TuneIn - https://goo.gl/lBs1wN Social Links Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Discographydiscussion Twitter - https://twitter.com/discussmetal Tumblr - https://danandjoeshow.tumblr.com Youtube Live Stream - https://goo.gl/h7PuL2 Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Email: danandjoeshow@gmail.com www.discussmetal.com