Episode 012: Death featuring Travis Turner of As The Story Grows - Discography Discussion

Travis Turner, host of "As The Story Grows," and former drummer for "Crutch" joins us for an off topic onslaught featuring some actual conversation about Death.  RIP Chuck.  We miss you. #discussmetal  http://www.asthestorygrows.com/ If you enjoy this podcast, please become a patron. We greatly appreciate it. Discography Discussion on Patreon - https://goo.gl/S7fVCc Discography Discussion Podcast Homepage - podcast.discussmetal.com Subscribe to RSS - http://feeds.feedburner.com/danandjoeshow Listen to Discography Discussion on iTunes - https://goo.gl/AzQ7vY Discography Discussion on Google Play - https://goo.gl/d6czHI Listen on Stitcher - https://goo.gl/j2eViH Watch/Listen on Youtube - https://goo.gl/rmJ8ks Listen on TuneIn - https://goo.gl/lBs1wN Social Links Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Discographydiscussion Twitter - https://twitter.com/discussmetal Tumblr - https://danandjoeshow.tumblr.com Youtube Live Stream - https://goo.gl/h7PuL2 Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Email: danandjoeshow@gmail.com www.discussmetal.com

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